
Monday, July 30, 2012

Can't Live Without It

Throughout the process of cleaning out my closet, there have been many garments that I plucked up the courage with which to part. That is, in fact, the only real way to have success with this kind of thing. At the same time came the realization that there were some pieces that I just could NOT for the life of me trash or give away. One such was this shirt. I bought it a year ago at Forever 21 and I wear it too much to be quite honest. With jeans, shorts, and skirts. This is the one that I just cannot get over.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ready to Move On

I swear I have a good reason for my extended absence...
This past Monday and Tuesday, I was among some fellow upcoming Pitt freshman at orientation. I spent two days mingling, spent the night in a dorm, and registered for my classes. The experience got me even more excited to start school. The best part is my schedule...I managed to get a fall semester without math or science. For me, that is a blessing ;)
I also bring back a story I am sure I will be able to tell for many years to come. On the morning of the second day, arts and sciences students had to be up early for an assembly at 8:30. I was up and decided to walk over to the coffee place in the Cathedral of Learning (the equivalent of Hogwarts...) and take advantage of the complimentary breakfast we had on our ID cards. It was fine when I walked in, but when I walked back outside it was a torrential downpour, thunder included! The best umbrella! I had to walk from the cathedral to the place where the assembly was held in this! Needless to say, I walked in looking like a wet rat. I was going for an easy, laidback Cali-chic look for the day, but clearly it was not meant to be. Instead I ended up with a soggy, loosely knit, cream sweater rather than a dry one.
Here are a few of the pictures from my two days away :)

A picture with the Panther makes it official :)

The Cathedral of Learning

Heinz Chapel

Do you have a funny/embarrassing weather story?

Friday, July 20, 2012


The title says it all, I believe.

Thank goodness for all the relaxation that comes with the weekend. I actually get to spend today home alone because all of my family is out. That means I have all the room to do my workout, clean and just do whatever. Then tonight I get a well deserved girls night with some old friends. With less than a month before the first of us leaves for college everyone is scrambling for one last time with the people they act their craziest around.

Speaking of school...the shopping has begun! The roomie and I have divided up the essentials list and have commenced the hoarding until that fateful day in August. On top of that I do have to find time to do my wardrobe shopping. I am in absolute dire need of jeans. They are an essential for me (as I am sure they are for the rest of you!) However, I am in the middle of trying to at least tone up. So denim shopping will be very last minute; like...the day before I leave. My goal is to get back into a good pair of skinny jeans.

What is your favorite pair of jeans?

B.B.M. (Be back Monday!)
<3 Ashley

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Playing Dress-Up

Is this week over yet?!

Of course not. I still have one more day of work before I can take some time to relax and maybe FINALLY get to a pool this summer. As I have mentioned before, I do work two jobs this summer and the biggest drag for me is that both do have their own dress codes. There is very little room for me to dress the way I want to. 

Today you could find from 3-7 me running a poolside snack bar in a staff t-shirt and shorts. However there was a day prior to 3 PM when I was out and about and I took the opportunity to dress up. I pounded the pavement in my brand new theme style shoes from the Naturalizer outlet store.

But my favorite part of the outfit had to be what was taking place up top. Picture it...Marilyn Monroe face t-shirt and a lace cropped biker jacket. Uh...hell yeah! I also cannot go anywhere without wearing a ring. Next to shoes, rings are my next lethal obsession.

Even if I am stuck working, I always find a way to share my style with the world at some point during the day. Lucky I am too jumpy to actually stay at home for more than a couple of hours. :)

What are the pieces in your closet that you just cannot live without?

<3 Ashley

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Fragrance Fiend

Hello friends!

Today's step in cleaning was my make up desk. That included marveling at how many perfumes and body sprays I seem to have accumulated between shopping trips and Christmas gifts from grandma (she must be operating under the assumption that I am very malodorous!) They took up so much space! That's when I decided I had to split up the very fragrant pack. Body sprays now take up residence in a basket in the bathroom since I spray them mostly after I shower at night.

The nicer perfumes continue their mount on the cosmetics desk in my room. Hilary Duff's "With Love" and "Love" from the Harajuku Lovers collection are the ones that I probably use more often. They are more casual smelling to me (if something can smell casual...) I wear them practically everyday. But if I am feeling a bit more dressed up or if I am going out for a night on the town with the girls I will spray the Burberry, Giorgio or Juicy Couture (the newest member of the collection.)

What is your go-to fragrance?

<3 Ashley

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cleaning Out the Closet

Sorry for such a long break between my last entry and this one. Busy! Busy! Busy! This was my birthday weekend and I have been working nonstop as well. Two jobs is no easy feat; but I shall be a trooper for the sake of affording an education! This is also my first entry on my new MacBook Pro  :) It is something I am very excited about and I am basically treating this computer like my first child. For that price this will definitely be lasting me at least a decade and a half!

We are also half way through July! Which means that I have just a little less than half a month until move in day at Pitt. But, hey, I bet I am not the only one here. I have just started organizing my room and have finally started parting with things (clothing, books, music, etc.) that I pay little to no attention to anymore. My thought process is as follows: If I "clean out the closet" now, then when it comes time for packing up for school, it will not be as difficult to down-size and decide on what will be filling my half of that tiny dorm.

Hopefully, I will see the benefits of this method during my progressive packing during the month of August.

How are you planning on packing and getting organized for the big move into a small dorm or apartment?

<3 Ashley

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Post-Fourth Fun

How was your Fourth?!
Did you get to see any fireworks displays. I know that many cities and towns could not put any up due to the dry climate and the intense heat. That's summer for you.

While I did have to work, I did enjoy my Independence Day. I mean...I watched specials on the History Channel, and will also admit to briefly watching the Beach Boys on VH1 Classic. Fireworks went up in our area, but not that we could see them since there are so many trees blocking our views; but they sounded great!

That said, the realization that I have just under two months left until I leave for my freshman year of college has just hit. I have so much left to do! Two consecutive Fridays of shopping coming up. Tomorrow with my mother and grandmother, then next Friday with my roommate for my birthday. Then I have all the preparations and packing to do.

I hope to come across some great finds on my shopping trips. Anything I should keep a look out for?

<3 Ashley

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Filling, Healthy Breakfast

Happy Monday!
I recognize that for most of us, even though summer is upon us, that means another day of work. Hey! I work two jobs and my only day off is I get that. While none of us like to sacrifice sleep to get ready to start the early shift, typically a good filling breakfast is ignored. Instead we grab for the Cheerios or muffins. While both tickle the taste buds wonderfully, by the time I reached second period in school, they had my tummy rumbling for more at 9 AM. And if you are anything like me, you are not a friendly being unless you have had good breakfast and a coffee. Finally, I found a quick breakfast that is both healthy and,  yes....quite filling. The one and only Kashi Go Lean Crunch! It is actually delicious too. I throw in some blueberries also to get the benefits of some fruit. Take it from me, the girl who sat starved in second and third periods, this breakfast takes the cake. Don't forget your coffee with that either!

<3 Ashley

What is your quick breakfast in the morning? What do you think if Kashi?