
Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Little Housekeeping

Good evening/morning (depends on where you are!) 12:15 AM here!

I would just love to let you all know, and I think many will be proud of me, I have a new organization system for this blog. Often, I do not know what to write about and feel like I have to write something just to keep things up and current. I also often fall off the face of the earth and ignore the blog completely for long stretches at a time. NO MORE! :)

I have a new planner (as provided by the university) and have taken to filling up the calendar with entry topics and fun ideas for the coming months. Get excited for one cookie recipe a day in the month of December! This will definitely go into effect after Halloween. I will try my best for the rest of the month to keep things up, but November 1st is where you can definitely expect me to be 100% attentive to this blog.

Also, I am playing with the idea of a new look for the site. Any cool suggestions or design tutorials that you know of? So excited for the changes to come as we wind down this crazy year.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, gripes, qualms, suggestions, or cheesy jokes please feel free to contact me!

<3 Ashley


  1. I am the same way with my blog as well. I really want to make more of an effort to provide consistant content, but it's tough sometimes because I don't want to post just to put something out there you know? I want my readers to have quality. I can definitely sympathize. Looking forward to your next post...maybe we can help keep each other on track. :-)

    1. It's good to know that there are others out there that feel the same way! I hope that this sticks. Usually I am good at sticking to schedules so it should definitely last longer than a week!

    2. I am totally feeling you girls! sometimes just inspiration falls off board and topics just feel a little too stuffy. But I use that planning too! i see which posts I want to do through 15 days, and stretch some more things!

    3. Planning is never a bad thing! :)
