
Tuesday, March 5, 2013


So I feel like maybe I jinxed myself with that last entry about studying abroad. Now I am back in that place where I am thinking about London again. I definitely need some more time to decide! London would be the more practical decision of the two, since my major has a program there and I can get an internship as well - something that I could do in Italy only if I master three more semesters of Italian.

I feel bad though since my friend and I have been talking so much about going to Florence together. I did talk to her about it. We agreed that no matter where I go, we would still do the extra few weeks after the semester together to do whatever we wanted. I just don't like how quickly this change came.
But I have to do what's best I guess, right?

<3 Ashley

How do you deal with the changes in your plans and decision making?


  1. I normally stress out, but then again I feel like I stress out too much. But I would go with the change that makes me more comfortable and I feel it is kind of the right choice. Sometimes things don't go as planned and in the end is what makes you get an experience out of all and ends up being the best and so much fun.

