
Thursday, March 21, 2013

First Day of Spring

Yesterday was indeed the first day of the ever beautiful spring season. Even though it did not go over 45 degrees many people were excited to put their spring fashions forward on campus. Even I opted for my lighter, pink trench coat as opposed to my peacoat. Many were also flocking to Rita's for their free Italian ice.

To make things better, the sun was even out and it's out again today. This is quite a strange phenomena haha! I just love the general feeling around campus knowing that it is a new season. Soon the weather will get warmer and we will all once again be outside taking walks, studying on the lawn, playing frisbee etc. Studying for finals will be a little less painful studying on a blanket in the sun on the lawn of the plaza.

What is the best thing about spring for you?

<3 Ashley


  1. I love not having to wear boots. I'm all about my bright flats in the springtime!

    1. So true! I can't wait to walk outside without freezing my toes!

  2. just spring days!!

  3. Thank you very much! :) I have followed you back!
