
Monday, March 4, 2013

Going Abroad!

Happy Monday, everyone! Just 4 days until I board the bus back home and needless to say I am so excited to be going home. The past couple of months have been so busy and at some points I have felt just a bit overwhelmed. I will be totally embracing this break, despite pretty much being the only one home for break - my friends don't come home until two days before my own break is over!

Something else I am VERY excited for is a little further away than 4 days. It has been decided and agreed upon that I can study abroad for my spring semester junior year! My friend and I want to study together in Florence. I have been flirting with this idea for awhile. While there is a program within my major to study in London, I cannot take my mind off of Italy. Part of my family is from the Veneto region and I have always wanted to go. So after break we will be taking a walk up to the study abroad office to pick up some information about the process. I really hope this comes together well and that I can share all of my experience with you as the process goes on.

<3 Ashley

Where in the world do you want to go?


  1. Hey Ashley!

    I love your blog, and after I was nominated for a Liebster Award, I nominated you! You can check out my blog for the info. I know you were already nominated once, but I just wanted to let you know :) And if I could travel anywhere, I'd probably go to Italy! Good luck with the study abroad process!

    -Em xx
    A Pile Of Good Things
