Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cleaning Out the Closet

Sorry for such a long break between my last entry and this one. Busy! Busy! Busy! This was my birthday weekend and I have been working nonstop as well. Two jobs is no easy feat; but I shall be a trooper for the sake of affording an education! This is also my first entry on my new MacBook Pro  :) It is something I am very excited about and I am basically treating this computer like my first child. For that price this will definitely be lasting me at least a decade and a half!

We are also half way through July! Which means that I have just a little less than half a month until move in day at Pitt. But, hey, I bet I am not the only one here. I have just started organizing my room and have finally started parting with things (clothing, books, music, etc.) that I pay little to no attention to anymore. My thought process is as follows: If I "clean out the closet" now, then when it comes time for packing up for school, it will not be as difficult to down-size and decide on what will be filling my half of that tiny dorm.

Hopefully, I will see the benefits of this method during my progressive packing during the month of August.

How are you planning on packing and getting organized for the big move into a small dorm or apartment?

<3 Ashley

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