Monday, August 27, 2012

The First Day

The day finally came! My first day of college classes. 

The one thing that ran through my mind early this morning? What in the world am I going to wear?! I am notorious for not planning my outfits the night prior. It just never happens. So this morning I went through two different outfits back and forth and finally made my decision. Here it is; the result of a solid 45 minutes of indecisive-ness :)

I always love this cami/cardi combo. The cardigan is also super light, making it really wearable even in late August.

Pretty sure I am on the verge of wearing these shoes out! 

Of course I have to have a massive ring to pull the outfit's like my thing.

And a lovely top knot. 

With how hot it has been in Pittsburgh lately, shorts and dresses seem like they might be my friends for awhile. I cannot wait, however, to throw on jeans, sweaters and boots. I am a sucker for autumn. 

<3 Ashley

What was your first day of school outfit?

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