Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Extra Mile

Hey all! I just wanted to quickly share this video that I found on my Facebook timeline today. This sweet little kid is giving guys a little "How to Get Girls 101" lesson and it is seriously the cutest thing ever! I'd have to say I agree with him, be kind. I know there are girls out there that like the "bad boy" type but I just can't stand them. Don't be a jerk...just be nice! Who wouldn't accept a rose from this adorable kid?

<3 Ashley

What do you think? Is kindness really the way to our hearts?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Book Club: French Women Don't Get Fat

Image: here

When I sold my algebra textbook on Amazon I got about $30 in site credit. Naturally, I blew that away in 10 minutes with five books that have been sitting on my wishlist forever. Needless to say, I have a much more full looking Kindle now.

The first book that I decided to dive into was "French Women Don't Get Fat" by Mireille Guiliano. The book basically details the differences between the French and American diets and explains where the fault in the American diet is: portions. There is indeed such a thing as too much of a good thing. Guiliano provides tips she learned growing up and during her own weight struggles after studying abroad in America. I found the information interesting and helpful and certainly attainable. These really aren't drastic changes, one just needs to be willing to make changes and trade up to quality. I definitely recommend giving this book a read! Maybe like me, you will be inspired to make even a small change to how you look at food and how you shop for it!

<3 Ashley

Have you/will you read "French Women Don't Get Fat"? What do you think of it?

Monday, January 27, 2014


Happy Monday (sincerity here is's been snowing for 3 solid days!)

In an attempt to blog more with my very awkward schedule this semester, I am keeping Monday posts short and sweet. I have been seeing a lot more posts like this one more where bloggers let their readers get to know them a little bit better by describing what they're doing at the moment. So that's what Mondays are going to be simply because I am too busy--4 classes until 8:30 pm and PR committee meetings.


Listening to: "Fashion" Lady Gaga
Reading: My Twitter feed--everyone is talking about spending the night last night in the Pete for tonight's basketball game against Duke. H2P!
Eating: This pomegranate and blueberry cereal which I picked up last week during my very first trip to Trader Joe's...I love Trader Joe's!
Drinking: Coffee with a bit of almond milk
Wishing: The snow would melt and I will have a painless walk to classes
Feeling: Sluggish. Can I just stay home and watch the Carrie Diaries on Netflix?

<3 Ashley

How are you feeling this cold, snowy Monday?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Words of Wisdom

Well hello there! In case you've forgotten about me allow me to re-introduce myself! Hahaha! It's been quite a busy week for me. Classes have definitely geared up at this point and I have so much reading at this point that I'm actually starting to hate it a little bit. But that's not what the focus of today's post is...I'll save that for a day that I feel a little more bitter, deal?

Recently, my roommate and I have found ourselves horribly bored and desperate to find other things to do to keep us occupied while we are in our room--other than watching movies, which we are pretty much known for at this point. We found ourselves discussing our favorite quotes and our appreciation for the power of words. Then we got the idea: let's make a quote wall! So for the past few days we have been crafting little posters with some of our favorite quotes and hanging them at the entrance to our room. Once you walk in you meet power and inspiration! We plan on covering the entire wall so it is definitely still a work in progress.

<3 Ashley

What are some of your favorite quotes?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Winter Syndrome

Image: here

Well we’ve reached the halfway mark of January and I still don’t know what to think of this weather. We’re done with that disruptive polar vortex right? That was a nice gift on the second day of classes: temperatures in the negatives and no cancelled classes. Thanks for looking out for us students! It has warmed up since then--I find something wrong with referring to 45 degrees as “warm.” All I know is that this up and down (way down!) in the temperature is kind of exhausting me. Just pick one, Pittsburgh!

I refer to this yearly funk I’m in as winter syndrome. What are the symptoms of winter syndrome? Tiredness normally due to early sunsets and the perpetual cloud cover, lack of desire to venture outside due to bitter cold and wind, and the need to be constantly wrapped in a blanket in bed. During the winter I have no motivation to work. I wish to lay in bed all day, read and drink gallons of coffee through a straw leaving the sedentary comfort for only a little to seek social interaction with my neighbors.

But alas, I do not live in a dream world and I must zip up my winter coat and slide my feet into a pair of boots to venture out. I am putting it on the table now: I am ready for spring!

<3 Ashley

Do you have winter syndrome? Are you counting the days until spring too?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Lovely Ladies

Such a cute crew!

Happy Monday everyone! I'm not sure how much happier my Mondays are going to be between now and the end of April considering I have four classes from 11-8:30 with only enough time to eat between each one. But I reward myself on Tuesday when I only have one class at 2:30 and can sleep in!

For the first weekend back things were actually pretty tame (for me at least!) Saturday night my friends and I set up a girl's night out--a GNO, if you will--and left Oakland for dinner. As a college student I rely heavily on my meal plan, so dining out has become a rare and celebrated occasion. We decided to travel to our favorite restaurant in South Side Works, Claddagh. We went twice last year and made the promise to ourselves before break that we would definitely make the trip. The four of us always have such a great time talking, joking and poking fun at each other. We've even made plans to live together next year! I can't even express how grateful I am to have developed such a close and fun friendship with people when last year I didn't even know how I was going to make friends so far from home and the people I was already so comfortable with. So, shout-out to the lovely ladies who have agreed that I'm okay enough to be seen out in public with!

<3 Ashley

How was your weekend? Did you spend it with your friends? How do you do your GNOs? 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Early Thoughts on the Spring Semester 
View of the Cathedral of Learning
Okay so I haven't pinned nearly enough this week to give you a nice TGIF Pins post...sorry. But I did want to do one more post this week because I cannot even deal with only having a two post week. This past weekend was the first week back for the spring semester and I thought I would just let you know how that went and how I feel about the last few months of my sophomore year.

I had every intention of pushing myself and taking 18 credits this semester. However, one of my classes is filled and I am still #4 on the waitlist. So if I am not in by next Friday I will be officially dropping it and sticking to 15 credits. I will have to wait until PR Writing is available again! My only night class of the week was cancelled this week so I have no idea what Interpersonal Communication is like. I have been having my public speaking class; I'm still not completely comfortable but I imagine I will loosen up once I actually start participating and giving speeches. I'm officially working toward a U.S. History minor and am very excited about my History of the American City class--so far it's very interesting and I adore my professor! I'm also taking astronomy and statistics to fulfill gen. eds. and so far am very confident about how I will do.

Overall, I'm very excited about this semester. I will also start researching studying abroad and decide if it's really something that I want to do. My friends and I also have some fun weekends planned to look forward to!

Here's to a great semester!
<3 Ashley

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Gimme That Feedback 
I promise to pay attention to all...this was just too funny!  

"New year, new me." <--- This is what I've been hearing constantly around this floor. Everyone has vowed to change for the better. The new year has not only caused me to think about making personal changes, but also changes to the blog--what better time to do it, right? So what I want to know is what have you liked about this blog, what would you like to see more of? Any design tips? Fill up the comments with your feedback! It's always appreciated!

<3 Ashley

Monday, January 6, 2014

I'm Baaaack

Image: here

Back to school it is. Words can not describe how relieved I was to get off of the bus in Oakland last night. That four hour ride felt so much longer--I need someone to talk to on these rides to make them go faster! It felt great to come back and see everyone again. I was surprised at how much I really missed it here. But now I'm back which means classes start up again! I haven't even stepped into a classroom yet and I already feel stressed and sad. New Year's resolution: calm the eff down!

Let's try to have a great week!
<3 Ashley

What does this week have in store for you?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Resolution

 Image: here

Happy New Year everybody! I know I'm about a day late on that. Work has been consuming most of my days; but my last day is tomorrow!!!

My New Year's Eve was spent in with my family, cooking food and watching the ball drop on TV. The food was fantastic and carb-loaded and the company was more than entertaining--my brother actually spent the evening watching a documentary about Africa and came into the room once in awhile to tell us something he had seen. Next year I think I want to go out though. I love staying in, but I also love the idea of going somewhere different to celebrate.

Anyway, the new year is all about the new resolutions that we all have, giving us something to work toward for the next 365 days. However, the resolutions we all have may have become less and less original. Raise your hand if last year you promised to eat healthier and workout more...I'm included in that group myself. While I did do quite well with it, I still don't feel like I've accomplished anything. This year I am going to make my resolution a little less specific, but also a lot more meaningful to me. This time around my New Year's resolution is to be the best me that I can be and not worry so much. While this does seem general I believe that knowing this is my promise to myself will prompt me to stop and think about my actions and really decided whether or not it's really best for me.

Happy New Year, and here's to finding success in our new resolutions!

<3 Ashley

What is your New Year's resolution?
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