Happy New Year everybody! I know I'm about a day late on that. Work has been consuming most of my days; but my last day is tomorrow!!!
My New Year's Eve was spent in with my family, cooking food and watching the ball drop on TV. The food was fantastic and carb-loaded and the company was more than entertaining--my brother actually spent the evening watching a documentary about Africa and came into the room once in awhile to tell us something he had seen. Next year I think I want to go out though. I love staying in, but I also love the idea of going somewhere different to celebrate.
Anyway, the new year is all about the new resolutions that we all have, giving us something to work toward for the next 365 days. However, the resolutions we all have may have become less and less original. Raise your hand if last year you promised to eat healthier and workout more...I'm included in that group myself. While I did do quite well with it, I still don't feel like I've accomplished anything. This year I am going to make my resolution a little less specific, but also a lot more meaningful to me. This time around my New Year's resolution is to be the best me that I can be and not worry so much. While this does seem general I believe that knowing this is my promise to myself will prompt me to stop and think about my actions and really decided whether or not it's really best for me.
Happy New Year, and here's to finding success in our new resolutions!
<3 Ashley
What is your New Year's resolution?