Now for the mental health: DEADLINES are my key. I figure deadlines are my educational and professional life from here on out and do have their benefits. I have invested in a calendar for my desk and now keep a notebook with me at all times to jot down assignments and important notes throughout the day. This has really freed up my thinking space not having to remember dates and everything! I am working on completing things in a timely manner as well (right as I get them!) Part of my mental health cleansing is to both have my relaxing, quiet "me time" and keep myself busy. I am in the process of performing an early "spring cleaning" and redesign of my dorm to fit me a bit more. Out with the old and rarely used! Also, in an attempt to do something with my time, and make up for the fact that while I am in school I have no income until I go home for breaks, I am going to start making, designing and selling bags. I used to be really into sketching designs and I have actually made bags for myself and friends. I am currently in the design process which is being extended since I do not know where I can get fabric around here (anyone familiar with the Pittsburgh area?) Anyway, that is something to look forward to; my prime selling grounds will be on this campus and on this blog.
I just wanted to share my promise to myself and my plans with you all. I find it to be beneficial to write this kind of stuff down and share it with a bunch of people. Subtle motivators. Like I said before...I want this to stick!
<3 Ashley
What motivates you? Are you going to try any of this for a healthy lifestyle?