Well that's it! Finals are all finished and I have nothing left to do but move out; I am no longer a college freshman. I will admit that it is a little bittersweet. While I am very excited to go back home and see some faces that I haven't seen in a few months, I am sad to leave some of the faces that I have gotten to know really well. I won't see them for 4 months! I am also a little upset that it's over already; freshman year was fantastic and Pitt has certainly been very kind to me.
I loved the freedom of making my schedule for the first time, and loved the independence that I was given my first time away from home. I loved the feeling that all of the firsts gave me. That's why freshman year will always be a year that I remember. It certainly had a "fresh" feeling and gave me the opportunity to start over. This year I was able to challenge myself a little harder, push myself a little further out of my initial comfort zone and allow myself to get to know some truly awesome people and places.
I have slowly been packing up everything but today is the big packing day! Most of my day will be spent doing laundry, sorting clothes, and getting lost in boxes and packing tape. Here's a few shots of my last week:
Getting my caffeine fix and doing some last minute studying.
And the boxes are back! Desk is cleaned out and everything is off the walls.
The current state of my once full and decorated window shelf. Need to find somewhere to put these books!
All of this paper is from one class. Insane right?
I still have clothes to relocate to bags, books to box and cosmetics to store. That doesn't sound like a lot but this will take me forever! Haha!
Any packing tips for someone who may have accumulated more than what she came with?!
<3 Ashley