Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My 2013 Reading List

If you are merely getting acquainted with me right now, one thing you must know is that I love to read. I relish those moments when there is nothing for me to do and I can sit/lay down and read a book that I do not need to write an essay on. Unfortunately, I was not able to get through my entire 2012 reading list thanks to senior year of high school and fall semester of college (why so many reading intensive classes?!) My big triumph was completing Chanel: A Woman of Her Own by Axel Madsen. It was a great book and I do recommend it. But this next year will be different! I happen to know that one of my Christmas gifts happens to be a Kindle, giving me the opportunity to sort out my book hoarding problems. Just recently I bought three new novels that I guess will for now be my last physical book purchases. With that said, here is my 2013 book list!

1. Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
2. Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen
3. Emma Jane Austen (I recently bought all three of these Jane Austen books, so I would love to get them read!)
4. The Devil Wears Prada Lauren Weisberger
5. Coco Chanel: An Intimate Life Lisa Chaney
6. Audrey: Her Real Story Alexander Walker (about Audrey Hepburn!)

In reality...this is probably a stretch for me to finish all of these books within the next year considering school and work, but who knows! Hopefully I do find some free time!

<3 Ashley

Any books you are looking to find the time to read?
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