The work week is almost over. Just today and tomorrow then I can have a 3-day weekend! Unfortunately it's not the same three days as everyone else around here (I work on Memorial Day!) I thought today I would revisit a link up that I did awhile ago. It was a lot of fun and I got a lot of positive feedback from it. This one comes courtesy of let it be beautiful and fancy things. My four favorites are just some pieces that I spotted (on Pinterest) this week that tickled my fancy. How cute is that dress?! However, the ELLE nail polish is a favorite from experience. I love their nail polish! It is surprisingly long lasting--I type a lot so nail polish does not typically stay on my nails long! My favorite color is their coral color.
What are your four favorites this week? Click the button below to join the linkup!
<3 Ashley
What are your four favorites this week? Click the button below to join the linkup!
<3 Ashley

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